Wednesday, December 28, 2016

St Annes Reel Soldiers Joy Liberty

Had a great session at O'griffs in Quincy, IL this evening! 

That's me on the banjo and next to me on guitar.
I love the way this video caught us smiling at each other at the beginning.

My thanks to Dotty for doing the video.

I notice there are a couple of "hic-ups" in the video.
Not sure if it's from moving around or if it's a battery issue.  I will check them just to be sure.

Due to our car issues we road with Dave and Lisa ... thank you so much for picking us up!

If you're ever in town we play every second and fourth Wednesday from 6pm - 8pm.
We had a numerous and great audience this evening.
There is nothing better than playing music with my sweetheart!

As always, thanks for stopping by the blog. 

Happy Music To You!
Ava Potterfield

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Music Videos

Just a reminder to be sure to check our Facebook page with the same name ...
Music For You and Fun For Me ...
for ours and other music videos.

I am going to be working on some piano videos ...
playing some Ragtime music from Scott Joplin. 
I hope that you all are playing some music ...
learning new tunes ...
and enjoying music and videos played by others. 

Nothing puts a little spring in your step like a good tune!

Happy Tunes to You!
Ava Potterfield

Sunday, December 4, 2016

My Friend Charlie! Charles Stallcup

Charles “Charlie” Stallcup

Nov 25, 1906- Dec 19, 2007 … 101 years old.

My friend Charlie! 
He encouraged me in my music so much!

He was retired from Burlington Northern Railroad and talked a lot about that.  He was with them for 30 years.  He went to a lot of fiddle contests and was a frequent fiddle contest judge.  He most always carried his tape recorder and had a few tapes in his pocket that he would loan to people to listen to.

I didn’t know until his death and I read his obituary that he also was a guard at the Louisiana Ardinance Plant in Louisiana during World War II.  He also worked as a guard at the Jefferson City Prison in the 1930’s.

I remember going to his birthday party at Mark Twain Dinette and we all got free root beer.  There was quite a crowd and he had lots of friends.

He really encouraged me when I was learning to play the fiddle.  He always wanted to hear what I had been working on and gave me tips on how to make it better.  Even when it was a very rough work in progress he would still encourage me.  He always had suggestions for what songs I should learn next.  He would loan me cassette tape recordings of fiddle contests so I could hear how the songs were supposed to sound.  We always greeted each other with a kiss.  It always made my heart smile when I saw him. 

When we played Celtic and Old Time music at Breadeaux Pizza in Hannibal, MO with Chris Foss on Monday nights, Charlie was an honorary circle member.  You see, to sit in the music circle with the musicians you had to be playing an instrument.  Charlie sat right in the circle.  Charlie brought his smile, his recorder, his toe tapping and his knee slaps … and “That was a good one” when we played one of his favorites.  Mainly it was his smile and those twinkling eyes of his. 

One of the things he taught me that has helped me the most was to move while playing my fiddle.  This sounded so strange to me and was actually difficult to learn to do … but once I did … I could see exactly what he was talking about.  The movement kept my body relaxed me and kept my arms from tensing up … which made playing so much easier.  Thank you Charlie!  He’s been gone almost nine years now and I can still see him smiling at me and nodding encouragement in my mind when I’m playing something he liked or when I’m learning a new tune.  

So Charlie … I know you’re up there watching and listening to our music.  I know you’re still smiling and nodding when I play or learn a new tune.  Since your passing I have learned “Molly Put the Kettle On” and “Jerusalem Ridge” for you on my fiddle.  I think of you every time that I play dear friend.

This one’s for you Charlie!

Happy Music To You!

Ava Potterfield


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Ogriff’s Session With RagTag Irish Band

Doug and I play music in a group called RagTag Irish Band.  We play every second and fourth Wednesday at Ogriff’s Irish Pub on the square in Quincy, Illinois.  Music is from 6:00pm to 8:00pm so if you’re ever out and about and in the area … stop by and tell us hello!

With it being the day before Thanksgiving we had three band members gone but we had a great session and lots of fun. 

Got to see Dotty who is one of my bestest of friends.  She did the video you’ll see over on the Facebook page.

The players this evening were as follows:

·         Lisa on the fiddle 

·         Dave on guitar and mandolin

·         Rae on drum

·         Robert on mandolin

·         Rob on percussion and harmonica

·         Doug on guitar

·         Ava on tenor banjo

We played a lot of tunes and the time went by too quickly.  My calls for the evening were Soldier’s Joy, Liberty, St. Anne’s Reel, Paddy on the Railroad, Spootiskerry and Johnny’s Wedding.  You see, we all take turns choosing songs around the circle.  So it’s always a surprise to hear what is going to be played next.  Keeps you on your toes! 

There's a video and it can be found on the Facebook page which has the same name as this blog ... Music For You and Fun For Me.  You're invited to like the page if you haven't already.  In it we are playing Swallow Tail Jig and Road to Lisdoonvarna.  Thank you again Dotty for taking the video for me.

As always, thanks for stopping by the blog. 

Happy Music To You and Happy Thanksgiving!

Ava Potterfield


Monday, November 21, 2016

Doug's Fiddle

One of my favorite parts of the day is listening to my husband Doug play the fiddle. 

It’s usually in the evening and it is a fantastic way to end the day.  Right now he’s working on Rubber Dolly and learning the double stops to play in it.  He’s also working on our theme song The Corn Crib Reel which I wrote for our group called The Corn Crib Pickers.  It always makes me smile to hear him play it.

You will notice in this picture that there is a dog on his lap.  Sometimes they all just relax and listen but other times they are jealous and want Doug to hold them instead of practice his music.  This was one of those times.  Dooley is just reminding him that he is supposed to be in his lap.  Dooley is a big dog and he is actually standing there in front of Doug with his head laying in Doug’s lap.  Too cute!!!!

Music blesses our lives every day whether I’m playing, Doug is playing or we’re listening to someone else play.  That is my hope for everyone.  Take the time to relax and let music touch your soul.  You will be a better person for it.

Happy Music To You!

Ava Potterfield

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Doug and Ava ... Music Together

One of the biggest joys in life is to share the things you love with the person that you love.
For Doug and me … one of those things that we love to do is play music together.

We met playing music at a Bluegrass Festival in Hannibal, Missouri at the Hannibal Inn.
He was one of many people that I met and played music with that night.
He and his family founded, hosted and played with a group called North Ely Opry.
I was invited that night to join them for some music and that was the beginning of our friendship.

I was playing with a session group in Hannibal founded by Chris Foss
that met weekly at Breadeaux Pizza.
I was also playing with the group that I founded called River’s Edge
that played weekly at LaGondola in Quincy, Illinois.
After being invited to play with North Ely Opry I also began playing regularly with them as well.  

Doug was playing mandolin and fiddle at the time
(he now also plays guitar and tenor banjo)
and I was playing the fiddle, tenor banjo, guitar and singing.

We’ve been playing music together ever since!

After being friends for two years …
We dated for a year …

We were engaged for three years …
And then we got married!

He is the love of my life and the sweetest person that I have ever known.
We are still having fun together and playing lots of music.
We play Celtic and Old Time music with a group called RagTag Irish Band.
We have our own group called The Corn Crib Pickers
where we play country, bluegrass and a mix of fiddle tunes.
We also play country, bluegrass and soft rock with me on guitar and vocals and him on the bass.
We have so much fun together no matter what we are doing …
even when it’s just lounging around being couch potatoes. 

Here’s to many more years of happiness and music with the one I love!

Happy Music To You!
Ava Potterfield

Monday, October 31, 2016

Camp Fire Music

Doug and I played music at the Annual Potterfield Weiner Roast. 
We had forgotten how nice it is to play music around a camp fire. 
So cozy and warm. 

People visiting
People laughing

Good food
A wonderful time

We started playing music just as the sun was starting to set.

That is me, Ava, on the banjo.
Doug played guitar and then played some fiddle tunes for everyone.

Once the sun began to set I had to stop and go take some pictures.
Here are a couple ...

Then I used my zoom and got this one!

Then we went back to playing music!

It was a beautiful day!
A great time!
Wonderful visit!
Delicious food!
And a nice warm fire!

Here's to more music around a campfire!

Happy Music To You!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Our Music Videos

That is the link to our facebook page where our videos are going to be.
Right now this is our first video to post there.

Ava on Hammer Dulcimer
Doug on twelve string guitar

Golden Slippers

Hope you enjoy it!
Just copy and past the link and hop on over!

Thanks for coming to see us!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Hammer Dulcimer Time

I have been watching youtube and learning some new songs on my hammer dulcimer today. 
It was a great day and I got a lot accomplished!

I learned four new songs.
The Highland Boat Song
Bouree Caree (a French dance tune)
In the Garden (a gospel)
The Gift To Be Simple

I always tell my students that if you can read music and play by ear that you can play anything you have a desire to play. 
See ... the ones who play by ear don't want to invest the time to read music notes. 
Likewise ... the ones who read music notes don't want to invest the time to learn to play by ear. 
I can do both.

With the four songs I learned today two were by watching and listening to youtube videos. 
Play ... pause ... find the notes ... play ... pause ... find more notes ... until I had the whole song. 
The other two were songs that I'm already familiar with that the songs just popped into my head so I pecked them out on the dulcimer. 
If I hadn't invested the time to become good at playing by ear I wouldn't be playing any of those four songs today. 

I am very grateful.

Happy Tunes To You!

Music, Music, Music

I live for music!
I play several instruments and each one of them adds beauty and happiness to my life.
I can't imagine a life without music.
I play ...
in order I learned them ...
piano ... cello ... guitar ... Irish whistle ... violin ... mandolin ... tenor banjo ...
Native American Flute ... clarinet ... tenor guitar ... and Hammer Dulcimer
I also am a song writer
and I sing.

I will be sharing my music with you and hope that you enjoy it. 
It sure is a lot of fun for me!